Our team works in partnership with departmental leadership to identify the goals for the retreat, meeting or workshop, and then proposes an agenda to achieve these goals. Our experienced facilitators then guide the retreat, meeting or workshop and help departmental leadership identify next steps. Our team regularly facilitates retreats or meetings related to the Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP). Topics related to the IQAP include but are not limited to: the development or refinement of program learning outcomes; development and reflection on curriculum mapping; revisions to course sequencing; program or departmental mission and vision; and unique aspects of continuous program enhancement.
We also facilitate departmental retreats, meetings or workshops beyond the IQAP review process, with a continued focus on teaching and learning. For instance, we facilitate meetings related to the redesign or realignment of a set of courses, the integration of new pedagogies into the program (e.g. inquiry based learning, experiential learning, case studies, etc), or sharing effective practices in a particular teaching topic. Our expertise in facilitation ensures that all members of the department or program are able to participate, and that the discussions make effective use of the collective time of the group.
Please get in touch if you would like our support in facilitating an upcoming retreat, meeting or workshop. During our initial conversation we will discuss the topic, scope and timing. In order to ensure we have adequate time to identify goals, plan the agenda, and schedule facilitators, we require a minimum of four-week’s notice to plan and schedule a retreat, meeting or workshop.