Welcome to the Paul R. MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Excellence in Teaching and Learning’s Learning Catalogue. Here you will find a range of resources designed to introduce you to key ideas and skills in teaching and learning in the post-secondary context in Canada. These resources have been developed with educators at McMaster as a primary audience, but the content is broadly applicable and open to all.
These resources were developed by educational developers and staff at the MacPherson Institute. The MacPherson Institute, as part of McMaster University, operates on land which is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishanaabe. We meet and learn on these traditional territories, and within the lands protected by the ‘Dish With One Spoon’ wampum, an agreement to peaceably share and care for the land around the Great Lakes.
If you are a teaching assistant at McMaster looking to complete your mandatory, paid TA training, please visit Avenue to Learn to enrol and complete this training. Completing modules on The Learning Catalogue will NOT count toward these hours.
If you are interested in using any of these modules or any portion of these modules, please reach out to mi@mcmaster.ca Likewise if you have suggestions or feedback, please do contact us. If you have questions or suggestions about any of the resources found in the Learning Catalogue, please reach out to mi@mcmaster.ca
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Accessible Teaching Techniques Learn More
In this module, we will explore models of accessibility, reflect on accessible practices and apply the tenants of Universal Design for Learning to different teaching scenarios.
Active Learning Learn More
*Please note: this module is currently under construction.
In this module, we will discuss the benefits of, and considerations for, implementing active learning across a variety of teaching and learning contexts. You will also be provided resources and prompts to personally research an active learning strategy and consider how you can apply it to your teaching for your own development.
Adult Learning Theories Learn More
This workshop provides an overview of a few key learning theories, as well as common assumptions about adult learners. You will reflect upon these theories and assumptions, and you’ll explore how you can bridge them to your own teaching practice.
Information Box Group
An Introduction to Avenue to Learn Learn More
This workshop has been designed as an orientation to McMaster’s centrally supported Learning Management System (LMS), Avenue to Learn, for Teaching Assistants or any other users who are new to instructional roles in Avenue. There is no requirement for any previous familiarity with Avenue to Learn in any capacity (learner, instructor, or administrative).
Blended Learning: Determining the Right Mix Learn More
In this workshop, you will use the Course Delivery Decision Model Revised (CDDM-R) to plan the various components of your course, such as communication and participation modalities to help navigate the choices involved with teaching in a blended learning context.
Collecting Feedback on Your Teaching Learn More
In this workshop, we will begin by outlining the specifics of collecting feedback on your teaching. We will discuss when and how you should go about collecting feedback, along with the challenges and benefits of collecting feedback on your teaching.
Information Box Group
Crafting a Teaching Philosophy Statement Learn More
This online workshop will help you to explore four components of a teaching philosophy statement in turn, providing you with opportunities to respond to specific prompts for each.
Creating Interactive Content Using H5P Learn More
H5P is a great tool for developing and sharing interactive educational content using HTML5 that is easy to embed and publish on websites or learning management systems.
Effective Teaching Strategies for Blended Learning Learn More
This workshop is a primer on blended learning, offering an overview of different blended learning formats (think the “Instruction Mode Definitions” for McMaster) and how to effectively and efficiently adapt an existing or design a new course to leverage elements of blended course design. Although this may sound daunting, you might be surprised to learn that you have more usable components from existing courses and previous experiences teaching in-person and online than you think.
Information Box Group
English as an Additional Language in the Classroom Learn More
This module was developed as a collaborative partnership between the MacPherson Institute and the MELD Office.
This module will explore some of the unique characteristics and needs of ELLs and outline strategies for designing learning materials, lessons, and assessments to support these learners.
Finding, Creating and Using Open Educational Resources Learn More
This online workshop provides an introduction to how you might consider leveraging the power of Open Educational Resources (OER) in your teaching. From simply using what others have created and released with an open license, to adapting to create a more customized version for your teaching purpose, or creating something new and contributing it to the commons, this workshop will help equip you with the foundational knowledge needed to take that first step in to the open education movement.
Introduction to Generative AI for Educators Learn More
This online module aims to provide you with an understanding of generative AI to help you think through how these technologies intersect with your teaching practices. Whether you have reservations or enthusiasm about AI in education, “Introduction to Generative AI for Educators” offers a space for exploration and thoughtful consideration.
Information Box Group
Introduction to Indigenous Cultural Competency for McMaster Educators Learn More
In light of the important role that you can play in relation to knowledge within McMaster University, the intention of this module is to help you find your place in creating and maintaining more just relations with Indigenous peoples in your classrooms, learning spaces and across the University, and Turtle Island by supporting you in engaging meaningfully and ethically with topics related to Indigenous peoples and our history.
Marking Efficiently and Effectively Learn More
In this workshop, you will learn about and consider ways to achieve these purposes with best practices for marking student assessments, including lab reports, problem sets, and essays.
Sections include Marking Efficiently, Objectively, and Consistently, Providing Feedback, Marking Online, and Common Grading Challenges. Many different types of assessments, including lab reports, problem sets, and essays will be considered and discussed.
Media Creation Skills: Audio Made Easy Learn More
*Please note: this module is currently under construction.
The aim of Audio Made Easy is to demonstrate what good quality audio is, how to record it using accessible equipment and software, and how to record, edit and incorporate audio in to your PowerPoint presentations.
Information Box Group
Media Creation Skills: Video Made Easy Learn More
Video Made Easy builds on the Creating and Using Videos for Teaching Online workshop, which is a recommended prerequisite to this resource workshop. The aim of Video Made Easy is to demonstrate that you can make video that looks and sounds great with the equipment you already have available to you or can easily obtain.
PowerPoint Design for Learning Learn More
*Please note: this module is currently under construction.
This workshop will equip you with practical techniques that you can use to create engaging PowerPoint slides.You will create a deck of PowerPoint slides, review other’s slides, and reflect on your learning experience.
Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching Learn More
Please note: this module is currently under construction.
Based on Ambrose, Bridges, DiPietro, Lovett and Norman’s book “How Learning Works: 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching,” this workshop will review seven general principles of learning that are grounded in evidence-based research on teaching and learning. You will learn why certain teaching approaches support student learning, and use this to refine your approach to teaching.
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Research in Teaching and Learning I Learn More
In this module, we will discuss the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), review relevant literature about the topic, and think about how the steps and process to starting a SoTL project.
Supervising and Mentoring Students Learn More
In this workshop, you will hear about real experiences of McMaster graduate student-mentors, and reflect on your own experiences. You will learn about mentorship, its benefits, and how to be an effective mentor.
Teaching Contentious Topics Learn More
In this workshop, we will discuss the benefits of and considerations for teaching contentious topics in a variety of classrooms and outline specific strategies that you can use to set up, prepare, facilitate, and conclude a discussion on a contentious topic in your course or discipline.
Information Box Group
Teaching Portfolios at McMaster Learn More
This workshop has been designed to compliment SPS B2: Teaching Portfolios from McMaster’s Supplementary Policy Statements from the University Secretariat that relate to matters of appointment, tenure, permanence, or promotion.
Universal Design for Learning Learn More
This module unpacks the popular course design and delivery framework known as Universal Design for Learning (UDL). This approach to teaching, developed by the Centre for Applied Special Technology (CAST) a non-profit educational and development organization based in the United States assumes learners are diverse and strives to optimize the learning environment for all by adding flexibility to nine aspects of teaching.