The Protocol for Expedited Approvals applies when one or more of the following applies:
- an institution requests endorsement of the Quality Council to declare a new Field or to revise Fields in a graduate program (note: there is no requirement to declare fields in either master’s or doctoral programs);
- there are proposals for new for-credit graduate diplomas; including new graduate diplomas (Type 2) offered in conjunction with Master’s or Doctoral degree program and usually represent an additional interdisciplinary qualification; or,
- new graduate diplomas (Type 3) as stand-alone, direct entry program, generally developed by a unit already offering a related master’s or doctoral degree
- there are major modifications to existing programs, and the University requests Quality Council review the expedited proposal.
The Expedited Approvals process requires all the approvals listed in paragraph 39 of the Policy on Academic Program Development and Review and the submission to the Quality Council of an “Expedited Proposal” which will describe the new graduate field or graduate diploma (including, as appropriate, reference to the Program Learning Outcomes, Degree Level Expectations, faculty and resource implications) or provide a brief account of the rationale for the changes addressing the evaluation criteria where they apply (e.g. program goals, program requirements, assessment of teaching and learning, admission requirements, resources, quality and other indicators) for the program.
Please note that the expedited approvals process does not require that external reviewers be involved in the approval process and provides for a faster turn-around on decisions by the Quality Council.