Broad list of journals
Broad Teaching & Learning Research Journals for Dissemination |
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Open Access? |
International Journal for Students as Partners (IJSAP) | IJSAP is a peer-reviewed journal that explores new perspectives, practices, and policies on how students and staff work in partnership to enhance learning and teaching in higher education. | Reflective essays, case studies | Student-staff partnerships, shared responsibility for teaching and learning, partnership models. | McMaster University Library Press | | Yes |
Teaching and Learning Inquiry
Teaching & Learning Inquiry is the flagship publication of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL), with a worldwide readership of leading thinkers and those pursuing SoTL at every level of higher education. | Original research, theoretical analyses, empirical investigations, essays, reviews, and innovative genres | Interdisciplinary SoTL research, methodological pluralism, and diverse perspectives on teaching and learning in higher education.
International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | | Yes |
HERDSA’s purpose of continuously improving higher education by informing and challenging researchers, teachers, administrators and others concerned with the past, present and future of higher education. The journal publishes scholarly articles that make a significant and original contribution to the field of higher education. | Original research, articles | Empirical, theoretical, philosophical and historical articles that address higher education in any of its dimensions will be considered. International audience. | Higher Education Research & Development | | Hybrid |
Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | JoSoTL is a journal that addresses contemporary issues bridging teaching and learning in higher education. | Articles (data-driven research), case studies, reflective essays, critiques, literature reviews, and Quick Hits (brief innovative teaching practices) | Contemporary issues in higher education teaching and learning, philosophical approaches to teaching, current research, and praxis. | Indiana University’s Faculty Academy on Excellence in Teaching (FACET) | | Yes |
Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | CJSoTL is a trans-disciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality scholarship addressing the teaching and learning interests of universities and colleges across Canada. | Research papers, research notes, essays, book reviews, and other innovative submissions | Interdisciplinary SoTL research, scholarly exchange of ideas, and advancement of teaching and learning practices across all disciplines. | Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) | | Yes
The Journal of Higher Education (JHE)v |
The Journal of Higher Education is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on original research and theoretical manuscripts pertaining to U.S. higher education. | Empirical articles and scholarly, theoretical, or conceptual articles | Research and theoretical manuscripts on U.S. higher education, addressing the functions of higher education and the role of universities in society through diverse theoretical perspectives and methodologies. | Taylor & Francis | | Yes |
International Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning IJ-SoTL |
The International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education and its implications for higher/tertiary education.
Research articles and essays | Emphasizes inquiry in teaching and learning, re-conceptualizes teaching as a scholarly process, and aims to enhance student learning and transform academic communities. | Faculty Center at Georgia Southern University | | Yes |
Teaching in Higher Education | Teaching in Higher Education is an internationally recognized journal that addresses the intellectual challenges of teaching in higher education by publishing scholarly work that critically examines the values and presuppositions underpinning teaching. | Research articles, Points of departure (PoD) and Data note | Developing a transdisciplinary discourse on teaching and learning, critically examining values, introducing diverse perspectives, and exploring teaching-research relationships across international higher education contexts. | Taylor and Francis | | Yes |
New Directions for Teaching and Learning | New Directions for Teaching and Learning is a journal that blends theory, research, and practice to inform leaders in postsecondary education about current and future directions in teaching and learning. | Articles | Focuses on improving college teaching through sharing ideas, techniques, and disciplinary reflections from experienced instructors and researchers, while addressing pedagogical issues and the intellectual and social context of higher education. | Wiley Online Library | | Yes |
Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching | The Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching is an open-access journal that challenges conventional wisdom in global higher education by publishing diverse research and conceptual papers. | Peer-reviewed empirical research, conceptual articles, literature reviews, interviews, EdTech reviews, brief articles, and book reviews | Focuses on sharing quality articles on educational practices in higher education, including instructional practices, curriculum design, assessment, educational policy, and technology, within a global context. | Kaplan Higher Education Academy, Singapore. | | Yes |
Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education | The Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for researchers writing about educational practices and theoretical and methodological approaches to learning in higher education. | Papers, case studies, opinion pieces, reviews and brief communications | Focuses on diverse topics related to student learning and development in higher education, aiming to reflect varied perspectives and support contributors across experience levels. | Association for Learning Development in Higher Education | | Yes |
Canadian Journal for Higher Education (CJHE) | The journal’s aim is to contribute to research and scholarly debate on higher education in Canada. | Book reviews, original research | Representative of the multidisciplinary nature of the field, articles address a variety of problems and consider different units of analysis to further understanding of Canadian higher education topics such as public policy, institutional governance and administration, community engagement, student success, the curriculum, and organizational change. | Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE) | | Yes |
Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching (CELT) | Publishes peer-reviewed scholarly and practice-based articles associated with the annual conference of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE). The intent is to challenge conference presenters to convert the essence of their peer-reviewed sessions into essay form for a wide readership interested in teaching improvement practices in higher education. | Essays (conference proceedings from STHLE) | The intent has been to encourage conference presenters to put the essence of their workshops and concurrent, round table, and poster sessions in essay form for a wide readership interested in teaching improvement practices in higher education. | Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) | | Yes |
Teaching and Learning Journals by Discipline
Discipline Specific Teaching & Learning Research Journals for Dissemination
Journal/Opportunity (hyperlinked) |
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Open Access? |
Journal of Education for Business | The Journal of Education for Business is aimed at educators preparing future business professionals, featuring research-based articles and innovations in business education.
Original and applied research articles, editorial/professional perspectives, and innovative instructional classroom projects/best practices | Focuses on research and developments in business education across various disciplines, including entrepreneurship, accounting, finance, management, and marketing, and addressing changes in the business world that impact graduate competencies. | Taylor and Francis | | Hybrid |
The International Journal of Management Education | The International Journal of Management Education provides a forum for scholarly reporting and discussion of developments in all aspects of teaching and learning in business and management. | Articles and reflective papers | Focuses on critical perspectives on education, changes in business and management education, relationships between programs and employers’ needs, and responsible management education in advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. | Elsevier | | Hybrid |
Journal/Opportunity (hyperlinked) |
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Open Access? |
Journal of Research in Science Teaching | The Journal of Research in Science Teaching is the official journal of NARST, publishing reports for science education researchers and practitioners on issues of science teaching, learning, and education policy. | Scholarly manuscripts including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method research approaches, position papers, policy perspectives, critical literature reviews, and comments and criticism | Focuses on publishing reports for science education researchers and practitioners on issues of science teaching, learning, and education policy, encompassing a wide range of research methodologies and topics. | Wiley Online Library | | Hybrid |
Research in Science and Technological Education | Research in Science & Technological Education is an original research journal publishing international perspectives on science and/or design technology education. | Original articles and review articles | Focuses on providing a platform for researchers, academics, and practitioners to share findings and commentaries on effective practices, behaviours, and curricula within science and technology education in both formal and informal learning settings. | Taylor and Francis |
Hybrid |
Journal/Opportunity (hyperlinked) |
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Open Access? |
Journal of Engineering Education | The Journal of Engineering Education is a peer-reviewed international journal that serves as a vital partner in advancing research in engineering education from pre-college to post-graduate levels. | Research articles and review articles | The Journal of Engineering Education serves to cultivate, disseminate, and archive scholarly research in engineering education. | Wiley Online Library | | Hybrid |
European Journal of Engineering Education | The European Journal of Engineering Education is a forum for scholarly dialogue aimed at advancing engineering education through the examination of relevant conditions, developments, approaches, methods, and experiences. | Research articles | Focuses on higher engineering education with an emphasis on the European context, while also considering international and intercultural dimensions that are of interest to the global engineering education community. | Taylor and Francis | | Hybrid |
Social Sciences
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Open Access? |
Teaching Sociology | Teaching Sociology is a journal that serves to advance the quality of sociology instruction and the scholarship of teaching and learning in the discipline. | Article submissions, notes submissions, conversation submissions and book, video and website reviews | Focuses on exploring pedagogies, curricula, assessment, teaching techniques, and debates within sociology education, as well as providing critical analyses of recent educational resources. | American Sociological Association | | Hybrid |
British Journal of Sociology of Education | The British Journal of Sociology of Education is a renowned international scholarly journal that publishes high-quality, theoretically informed analyses of the relationship between education and society. | Original articles | Focuses on the relationship between education and society, exploring educational policy, pedagogy, and curriculum through diverse social theories and methodologies. | Taylor and Francis | | Hybrid |
Health Sciences
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Open Access? |
Advances in Health Science Education | Advances in Health Sciences Education is a forum for scholarly and state-of-the-art research into all aspects of health sciences education, linking theory to practice. | Empirical studies (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods) critical reviews, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, evaluation studies, reflections papers, conceptual studies, commentaries | Focuses on a wide range of topics in health sciences education, including admissions, curriculum development, clinical reasoning, and communication skills, employing both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. | Springer Link | | Hybrid |
Journal of Nursing Education | The Journal of Nursing Education is a journal that publishes original articles and new ideas to enhance the teaching-learning process, curriculum development, and innovation in nursing education. | Article types including educational innovations, research briefs, and quality improvement briefs | Focuses on advancing nursing education by publishing high-quality research and discussions on pedagogical methods, curriculum development, and educational innovations relevant to nurse educators at various levels. | Slack Journals | | Hybrid |
Journal/Opportunity (hyperlinked) |
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Open Access? |
Thinking Skills and Creativity | The Thinking Skills and Creativity journal, uniquely identifies and details critical issues in the future of learning and teaching of creativity, as well as innovations in teaching for thinking. | Research articles, synthetic review articles, and critical theoretical and methodological studies | Focuses on advancing research and practice in teaching creativity and thinking skills. | Elsevier | | Hybrid |
Journal of Education for Teaching | The Journal of Education for Teaching is an international refereed periodical that publishes original and significant contributions to the field of teacher education, covering both initial and continuing professional development. | Original paper and research in progress piece | Focuses on a wide range of topics related to teacher education, including policies and practices in preparing educators, higher education’s role in teacher development, and scholarly analyses of issues in the field. | Taylor and Francis | | Hybrid |
Arts & Science
Journal/Opportunity (hyperlinked) |
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Open Access? |
Thinking Skills and Creativity | The Thinking Skills and Creativity journal, uniquely identifies and details critical issues in the future of learning and teaching of creativity, as well as innovations in teaching for thinking. | Research articles, synthetic review articles, and critical theoretical and methodological studies | Focuses on advancing research and practice in teaching creativity and thinking skills. | Elsevier | | Hybrid |
Teaching and Learning Inquiry
Teaching & Learning Inquiry is the flagship publication of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL), with a worldwide readership of leading thinkers and those pursuing SoTL at every level of higher education. | Original research, theoretical analyses, empirical investigations, essays, reviews, and innovative genres | Interdisciplinary SoTL research, methodological pluralism, and diverse perspectives on teaching and learning in higher education.
International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | | Yes |