Planned Contributions for Central Programming
Central Programming work is designed to support a broad range of needs across different fields and disciplines. In the coming year, the MacPherson Institute will continue to support instructors with centralized programming in the core mandate areas. Many of the central programming programs and functions are consistent year after year, however, this work is always evolving and adapting to the needs of McMaster’s teaching and learning community.
In the 2024-25 year, the MacPherson Institute will be working on a number of initiatives to address these needs and a few of these key projects are outlined below.

Expandable List
- Orient new educators to McMaster via Mandatory Paid TA Training, New Faculty Orientation, and Sessional Faculty Orientation.
- Develop and delivering professional development for teaching offerings (e.g., courses and workshops) for educators.
- Revise and adding online modules in the Learning Catalogue (sample topics include evidence based teaching, active learning, teaching contentious topics, generative AI, reflective teaching practices, and collecting feedback on teaching).
- Offer supports for mid-course feedback (via developmental observations of teaching, teaching refinements, and DIY resources).
- Support educators via one-on-one teaching and learning consultations.
- Expand Student Curriculum Consultants program to enhance support all phases of curriculum development.
- Create New Program Development e-book.
- Pilot Curriculum Links curriculum mapping tool.
- Support the development of an institutional framework for interdisciplinary program offerings.
- Continue support for Cyclical Program Reviews.
- Administer and promote the Student Partners Program including continuing to build on the success of the Students as Partners Community Forum pilot event and publishing season 1 of the Student Partners Podcast.
- Support the International Journal for Students as Partners.
- Enhance support for Teaching Stream faculty members.
- Administer MacPherson Institute grants, awards and fellowship programs.
- Continue design and delivery of the Innovations in Education Conference.
- Launch the first Online Learning Fellows program.
- Funding, resources and guidance related to creation, adaptation and adoption of Open Educational Resources.
- Provide support and training for One Button Video & Audio Studios and EdTech Stations, including the launch of an EdTech Engagement programming series.
- Consultations and programming related to accessible teaching practice.
- Ongoing support for MacVideo including the campus-wide Video Content Management Review RFP.
- Course Outline Library support, administration, training and enrollment process management.
- Several enhancement and integration projects for Avenue to Learn.
- Support for the MacPherson Institute’s tracking and reporting application.
Planned Contributions for the Faculties
Every year the MacPherson Institute meets with the deans or associate deans from each of the six Faculties, the dean of Graduate Studies, and the director of the Arts & Science Program. These meetings are an opportunity to report back on supports and services that have been provided to each of these Faculty leaders. This activity also presents an opportunity to discuss strategic initiatives within each faculty and program for the year ahead.
In the 2024-25 year, the MacPherson Institute will be working on a number of initiatives to address individual needs and customized support for these faculties and programs. Several of these key projects are outlined below.
Planned Contributions to the Partnered in Teaching and Learning Strategy
With the completion of the MacPherson Institute’s 2019-2022 Strategic Plan and with additional recommendations provided by the External Reviewers in the fall of 2022, the MacPherson Institute explored the many inter-connected strategies with connections to teaching and learning at McMaster University. This work has enabled the MacPherson Institute to identify areas where its support and partnership would be valuable. In collaboration and partnership with other units with strategic priorities connected to teaching and learning, the MacPherson Institute will explore opportunities to lead, partner, or contribute to particular projects and activities. Key strategic projects are outlined below.
- Implement and evaluate an expanded Student Curriculum Consultants program to better support all phases of curriculum development.
- Develop specific anti-racist frameworks and supports for IQAP reviews and new program development with an aim to also create a New Program e-book wiht updated content.
- Explore and refine a possible Collaborative Specialization in Teaching and Educational Research.
- Embed diverse perspectives and expansive ways of knowing within key programming areas such as Assessment Development Workshops, Course (re)Design Workshops, Certificates of Completion, etc. Additionally, review and revise existing modules within the MacPherson Institute’s Learning Catalogue.
- Build on Students as Partners Community Forum pilot to identify new opportunities for collaboration, knowledge exchange and student-centred innovation across instiutions.
- Pilot and evaluate the impact of the Student Partners Podcast that highlights topics at the intersections of EDI in student-instructor partnerships.
- Develop and align existing programming that will enable and encourage the dissemination of scholarship on teaching and learning.
- Continue to support the work of Valuing and Evaluating Teaching through various initiatives to help foster the exchange of ideas, collaboration and the identification of common challenges.
- Launch the Online Learning Fellows Program to support the development of online courses across campus.
- In connection to the Digital Learning Strategic Framework, promote and evaluate the impact of peerScholar as a teaching tool.
- In collaboration with University Technology Services and Campus Classroom Technologies, help enable the implementation of various recommendations from the Video Platform Review (conducted in 2023).
- Participate in the Accessibility Fellowship Program and disseminate findings centred around the most impactful Universal Design for Learning practices students have experienced at McMaster.
- Continue to contribute to and facilitate the Journey Mapping Process as part of the broader STEER/R project and identify ways in which the MacPherson Institute can respond to recommendations and next steps related to emerging priorities in accessibility.
- Develop Graduate Supervision Pedagogy module and provide support for the School of Graduate Studies on the development of other resources related to Graduate Supervision for Faculty and Graduate students.
- Organize the Innovations in Education Conference in 2024 with consideration for how educators and institutions foster student belonging and inclusion in a variety of ways.