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The MacPherson Institute supports, administers and provides training for a number of Learning Technologies tools including McMaster University’s Learning Management System: Avenue to Learn. Learning Technologies continue to play an important role in the student experience as instructors adapt to hybrid learning environments and leverage media in their classrooms both in-person and online.    

The MacPherson Institute provides pedagogical training on a variety of educational technology tools that are institutionally supported.  

4,692 Support Ticket Responses
4,700+ Course Requests
99% Tickets Responded to within 24 Hours


Course Outline Library Project Launch

In the fall of 2023, the Course Outline Library was launched to support a streamlined and simplifiedcreation and archiving process forundergraduate course outlines across all Faculties. 

The MacPherson Institute has helped with the implementation of the tool which included building custom templates to address unique use-cases in faculties and departments, providing a variety of training opportunities and designing resources to assist with onboarding to the platform.   

  • 30% of undergraduate course outlines were published using the tool 
  • 11 training events were delivered to 160+ participants 
  • 300+ support tickets answered 

MacPherson Institute Classroom Renovation Project

In 2023, the MacPherson Institute classroom space was updated to meet the standards set for McMaster classrooms elsewhere on campus.  

Updates include: 

  • New 85” inch wall-mounted digital display screens 
  • New audio system including hand-held, lavaliere and podium microphones 
  • New camera system to support hybrid and online learning environments 
  • Touch screen central control system to control all room technology 
Aasiya Satia, Educational Developer Anti-Racist Pedagogies, demonstrates the new technology in the MacPherson Institute classroom. The photo shows the new classroom television monitor and computer monitor.

Learning Management System

  • Support was provided for the review of the institutional Learning Management System. The results indicated there was no desire to change suppliers.  
  • External chat service options were explored and it was determined that the solution would not meet support standards. Exploration of alternative methods to support faculty, staff and students continues as new technologies like ChatGPT evolve.  
  • Integrations in Avenue to Learn continue to be reviewed while institutional policies for data governance, data retention and security are developed.