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Leveraging the liaison model of service delivery, the MacPherson Institute supports strategic and customized support for each of the six faculties and the Arts & Science program. A key contact from the MacPherson Institute works closely with stakeholders in these areas to understand the unique needs of their instructors and students. Strategic priorities are discussed each year and the MacPherson Institute reports back on the ways in which support and services have been provided. A few of these key projects are outlined below.
- MacPherson Institute staff conducted pedagogical consultations, support for the cyclical review process and participated in discussions about interdisciplinary teaching and learning.
- In collaboration with the DeGroote School of Business’ Teaching & Learning Services, MacPherson Institute staff provided pedagogical training for sessional instructors. These instructors were paid to attend by the DeGroote School of Business.
- MacPherson Institute staff continued to support pedagogical research for the “The Pivot” curriculum by having regular discussions with staff and faculty about scholarly frameworks for research and assistance in fostering connections with other teaching and learning communities.
- MacPherson Institute staff facilitated the annual Engineering Instructional Skills Workshop for new faculty.
- The MacPherson Institute supported a two-part workshop titled “Exploring the efficacy of the portfolio concept, and whether it is a valid tool for assessing achievements in teaching,” hosted by Professor Robert Fleisig and led by Katarina Winka of UMEA University, Sweden.
- The MacPherson Institute continued to support the Faculty of Health Sciences Inclusive Teaching Community of Practice co-facilitated by Drs. Lawrence Mbuagbaw (Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact) and Sarah Wojkowski (School of Rehabilitation Sciences).
- The MacPherson Institute supported the design and facilitation of a retreat for the Indigenous Women’s Heart Health research program and has been supporting the development of new undergraduate programs including the medical laboratory technician program, music-health sciences program and integrated rehabilitation and humanities program
- The MacPherson Institute supported the development of the Humanities Digital Learning Strategy.
- The MacPherson Institute collaborated with Humanities Media and Computing and Career Access Professional Services to pilot a captioning remediation program to make Humanities course content more accessible.
- The MacPherson Institute supported the interdisciplinary new undergraduate program in Integrated Rehabilitation and Humanities.
- With the Office of the Dean, the MacPherson Institute relaunched the New Faculty Mentoring Program and conducted an Instructional Skills Workshop for the McCall McBain Postdoctoral Fellows Teaching & Leadership Program (open to postdoctoral fellows in all Faculties).
- The MacPherson Institute had the opportunity to engage with staff from the Science Career and Cooperative Education (SCCE) Office and the Office of the Associate Dean (Grad Studies) to collaborate on the planning and development of several graduate career and professional development events.
- The MacPherson Institute worked with the Dean’s Office to collect student, instructor, and staff feedback as part of a review of Level I Science experiences.
- MacPherson Institute staff supported discussions of reflection-oriented practice in the co-op program curriculum and will be collaborating on the development of a reflection resource.
- The MacPherson Institute facilitated the New Faculty Mentorship Program kick-off session.
- The MacPherson Institute facilitated a professional development session on “Creating Respectful Graduate Student/Supervisor & Colleague Relationships.”