We invite applications that focus on implementing sustainable changes in the areas of inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility. Key areas for development include anti-racist, decolonial, and/or Indigenous pedagogies; queer, trans, and gender nonconforming pedagogies; and accessible/disability inclusion-focused pedagogies. Examples may include, but are not limited to, introducing technological enhancements for accessible course delivery, inviting community members to consult on or participate in classes, or exploring existing literature on best practices.
In addition to financial support for funded projects, recipients of the IDEAS grant (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility and Sustainability) will be offered the opportunity to connect to an educational developer from the MacPherson Institute and a subject matter expert from the McMaster community as identified by the Equity and Inclusion Office. While recipients are not required to engage with these supports, we encourage an initial conversation about the scope and execution of the grant.
Grant Details
- Length: Funds will be disbursed in January 2022 and must be spent by December 31st, 2022.
- Award Amount: Up to $4000
- Eligibility: Anyone in an educational role at McMaster University can submit a proposal. Successful applicants must be continuously employed by McMaster University for the duration of the grant. Sessional instructors and others with appointments that do not continuously span the full duration of the grant may be co-applicants, as may students (undergraduate or graduate).
Application Requirement
A completed application form must be submitted in a single document to MIgrants@mcmaster.ca no later than 5:00PM on Friday, October 22nd 2021. Download the application form here.
Expectations of Recipients
You must be able to commit to the following expectations when you apply for the IDEAS Grant:
- Implement the proposal as approved (e.g., adhering to the budget, meeting timelines,etc.), unless changes requested in writing are approved by the grant administrators.
- Submit a detailed report at the end of the grant term (December 2022) outlining the project’s progress, successes, and challenges (a template will be provided).
- Participate in a knowledge exchange opportunity – details to follow. For questions about the IDEAS grant, please contact MIgrants@mcmaster.ca.
Information Box Group
Call for Grant Reviewers Download details
We are currently seeking individuals who are interested in acting as reviewers for the IDEAS grant. Ideally, those interested in reviewing the IDEAS grant applications will have experiences in some combination of the following areas:
- Scholarly experiences in the areas of equity, diversity, accessibility, and inclusion,
- Professional experiences in the areas of equity, diversity, accessibility, and inclusion,
- Volunteer experiences in the areas of equity, diversity, accessibility, and inclusion, or
- Lived experiences as equity-seeking persons, with a strong desire to learn about and participate in a grant-review process
- Previous experience in reviewing grant applications
Upon acceptance, reviewers will be assigned up to seven brief applications along with the selection criteria and rating system. Each application will be reviewed by at least two reviewers, drawing on both EDI and pedagogical expertise.
IDEAS Grant Recipients
Expandable List
Click here to read about our IDEAS grant recipients.
Click here to read about our IDEAS grant recipients.