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McMaster University Sessional Faculty

Welcome, McMaster University sessional faculty!  

Embarking on a new teaching role as a sessional instructor at the University entails acquiring a wealth of information, sometimes with little time remaining before the start of the term and few course materials sent your way for the course in which you have been hired to teach. 

This page is intended to provide you with valuable information about the McMaster teaching and learning context (e.g., teaching culture, policy information, resources, and supports/services), information that will serve you well as you prepare for and facilitate an exceptional student learning experience in your role as a McMaster sessional faculty member.  

Expandable List

As the pioneer of problem-based learning (PBL, a unique, hands-on approach to learning that originated in our medical school in 1969 and has been adopted around the world), McMaster has long since been a leader in offering innovative approaches to teaching. 

At present, four areas of impact are the foci of the institution’s teaching and learning objectives: 

You can read all about these in McMaster’s Teaching and Learning Strategy. For a more in depth understanding of the McMaster teaching and learning context, consider reviewing the information and resources (e.g., Digital Learning Strategic Framework) provided on the Teaching & Learning tab on McMaster’s Academic Excellence website.

As a sessional instructor at McMaster, you are a member of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Local 3906, Unit 2. This Union represents all employees of McMaster University employed in Ontario as Sessional faculty, MELD faculty, and Sessional Music faculty having full or joint full responsibility for the teaching of one or more University degree credit courses.  

Note: If you are a Health Science Sessional Faculty member you won’t be eligible for benefits under the CUPE 3906 Collective Bargaining Agreement, however, you are still eligible for Sessional Faculty supports, programs, and resources supported by the MacPherson Institute.

In additional to the resources available to all New Employees to McMaster (including New Employee Orientation), the Human Resource Services website hosts sessional specific supports available via the Human Resource Services Sessional Faculty Orientation page. 

While the website does include a lot of logistical information like how to log into McMaster’s administrative information system (Mosaic), how to sign up for Health and Safety Training, how to find your classroom, and sessional date and timelines, the website is also a gold mine for teaching-related how-tos. The Teaching and Learning Pathway below has been curated to help get you started. 

Teaching and Learning Pathway 

  1. Dates and deadlines for undergraduate and graduate studies; 
  2. How to adopt course materials; 
  3. How to access and use McMaster’s primary Learning Management System (Avenue to Learn); 
  4. McMaster’s General academic regulations (don’t forget to also check out McMaster’s Undergraduate Course Management Policy and Graduate Course Management Policy!);
  5. The McMaster Student Absence Form; 
  6. How to ensure your classroom is accessible to students; 
  7. How to report a complaint of academic dishonesty; and 
  8. How to access the Sessional Faculty and Hourly-Rated Sessional Music Faculty Notes document. 

More information about MacPherson Institute’s Sessional Faculty Orientation and Resource Fair can be found on the Events tab of this website. 

As a member of CUPE, Local 3906, Unit 2, you are provided with a number of benefits under your Collective Agreement, including a Health Care Spending Account,  Dental Insurance, and access to a Professional Development Fund 

Importantly, you also have access to paid teaching and learning training through the Training Fund for Sessional Faculty.  

Training Fund for Sessional Faculty. – $100 per member for each completed training, to a maximum of $300 per member, per year. 

The fund provides limited, one-time payments for members who complete select training through the Paul R. MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Excellence in Teaching (i.e., the MacPherson Institute) between September 1 and August 31 each academic year.  

Payment is capped at $100 per member for each completed training, to a maximum of $300 per member, per year. The payment is open to current members of CUPE Local 3906, Unit 2 (Sessional faculty, MELD faculty, and Hourly-Rated Sessional Music faculty), who complete (or have completed) training associated with any of the following programs: 

Sessional Faculty Orientation   In this online synchronous workshop, you will learn about the McMaster teaching context and effective teaching practices, and connect with other McMaster sessional faculty (~1.5 hours) 
The Learning to Teach Online Course   In this self-enroll, self-paced Avenue to Learn course, you will learn the foundational pieces/steps in creating an engaging online learning experience. As you move through the elements, you will also be able to build (and get feedback on) your own online course, using an online course planning guide and weekly content, activity, and assessment worksheets. (~15 hours) 
The Instructional Skills Workshop   In this intensive workshop, you will learn about the BOPPPS model of lesson planning (including intended learning outcomes, active learning, and assessment) before designing and delivering three 10-minute lessons in a small group setting (4-5 peers). In addition to peer feedback, you will receive a video recording of each of your lessons for later viewing. (~24 hours) 
The Course (re)Design Workshop   In this intensive workshop, you will work on designing or redesigning a course. The workshop includes facilitated sessions on course design topics (e.g., constructive alignment, intended learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities, assessment, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)) and includes dedicated time for independent reflection/work, peer feedback, and consultation. (~15 hours) 
The Assessment Development Workshop  This intensive workshop provides you with the opportunity to focus on the enhancement of a new or existing assessment in your course(s). Through peer feedback and guided work time, informed by facilitated sessions on relevant topics, this workshop will help you implement meaningful assessments that support student learning. (~15 hours) 
Any of the EDUCATN courses from the  Teaching & Learning Certificate of Completion Program   There are six zero-unit graduate level courses available that range in length (~12-36 hours) and format. For course descriptions and schedules, please visit the Teaching and Learning Certificate of Completion Program website. The courses include: 

  • EDUCATN 640: Essential Skills in University Teaching 
  • EDUCATN 740: Peer-Evaluated Teaching Experience 
  • EDUCATN 750/751: Principles and Practices of University Teaching 
  • EDUCATN 760: Self-Directed Study 
  • EDUCATN 770: Digital Literacies for Teaching and Learning 
Professor Hippo-on-Campus   In this online asynchronous mental health education program, you will learn about common sources of stress and distress, how to recognize warning signs of stress and difficulty, how to communicate with students in distress or difficulty, and how to create a mental health positive learning environment. (~3 hours) 
Completing An In-Class Teaching Observation
A teaching observation provides you with an opportunity to get feedback on your teaching from a member of the MacPherson Institute. The process can be implemented for in-person, virtual (synchronous), and online (asynchronous) courses. Teaching observations support a reflective teaching practice and are intended to be developmental in nature. Engaging in a teaching observation will enable you to enhance your teaching while also improving the student learning experience. (~3-5 hours)

We encourage you to take advantage of this paid training opportunity so you can enhance your teaching and play a pivotal role in ensuring that McMaster students have a high-quality learning experience.

Expandable List

Teaching and Learning Supports and Services

  • Teaching Refinement – With this service, the MacPherson Institute will help you collect feedback from your students mid-way through your course. Following a consultation to identify areas of focus, a MacPherson Institute staff member will facilitate a full-class discussion during a class visit. Thereafter, they will consult with you a second time to discuss the key themes that emerged and support you in identifying next steps to enhance your teaching and the course. To apply for a refinement, please request one via the MacPherson Institute Request Form. 
  • Teaching ObservationWith this service, you will receive feedback on your teaching from a staff member at the MacPherson Institute. Following a consultation to identify areas of focus (e.g., you might be interested in feedback on your engagement strategies, presentation style, content organization, or integration of educational technologies), a MacPherson Institute staff member will observe one of your classes of your choosing. Thereafter, they will consult with you a second time to discuss their observations and support you in identifying next steps to enhance your teaching and the course. To request an observation, please use the MacPherson Institute Request Form.

  • Teaching and Learning Consultations – The MacPherson Institute offers one-on-one and teaching team consultations on a range of topics.  To request a consultation, please use the MacPherson Institute Request Form.

Teaching and Learning Resources

  • The New Instructor Handbook includes information on the university, your role, and teaching and learning at McMaster. Topics include: 
    • McMaster’s course policies  
    • Institutionally supported teaching technologies  
    • Considerations for university teaching  
    • Accessibility and accommodations  
    • Working with a teaching team  
  • The Teaching Development Planning Tool has been designed to assist new faculty members in planning relevant and appropriate teaching development opportunities over four years of their teaching practice 
  • The Learning Catalogue is a comprehensive repository of educational resources to enhance your teaching practice 
  • A list of valuable resources available from other McMaster support units can be found on the Teaching and Learning Resources tab of this website. 

MacPherson Institute Faculty Liaison Contacts

Each Faculty has a designated MacPherson Institute Educational Developer who serves as a Faculty Liaison Contact. You can contact your Faculty’s Contact for things like:

  • Guidance or feedback on teaching portfolio development, including teaching philosophy statement and evidence of teaching effectiveness.  
  • Consultation and resources on specific teaching methods and course design  
  • Department- or Faculty-specific professional development in teaching training  

Faculty and Department Supports

Beyond supports from the MacPherson Institute, there may also be supports available in your Department or Faculty – reach out to your Department Chair to find out. You may even be invited to attend a Faculty- or Department-specific New Sessional or New Faculty Orientation.  


Subscribe to the MacPherson Memo, our weekly teaching and learning newsletter that includes timely information about events and conferences, professional development opportunities and other teaching and learning updates and information. 

Once again, congratulations on becoming a sessional faculty member at McMaster University and thank you for all that you do to offer an exceptional McMaster student learning experience!