McMaster University is widely recognized for innovation in teaching and learning and for the quality of its programs. Nevertheless, knowledge of our disciplines and the scholarship of teaching and learning are constantly evolving. It is clear that our reputation can only be maintained and improved if we, as academics and educators, critically review what we do and seek the opinion and advice from colleagues at McMaster and at other institutions.
Although the primary objective for these reviews is the improvement of our academic programs, the processes that we adopt is also designed to meet our responsibility to the government on quality assurance: Every publicly assisted Ontario university that grants degrees and diplomas is responsible for ensuring the quality of all of its programs of study, including modes of delivering programs and those academic and student services that affect the quality of the respective programs under review, whether or not the program is eligible for government funding.
The process by which institutions meet this accountability to the government is outlined in the Quality Assurance Framework (QAF), developed by the Ontario Council of Academic Vice- Presidents (OCAV) and approved by Executive Heads in April 2010. Institutions’ compliance with the QAF is monitored by the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance, also known as the Quality Council, which reports to OCAV and the Council of Ontario Universities (COU).
Expandable List
Beginning in the fall of 2018, McMaster’s Institutional Quality Assurance Process underwent a scheduled program review performed by the Quality Council, a third-party organization that operates independently from universities and government. The audit is a standard practice for the Quality Council, which is responsible for assuring the quality of all degree programs in Ontario. Student Feedback Sessions University-wide Quality Assurance Events.
To prepare for the audit, thousands of pages of documentation were collected and auditors took part in a three-day site visit at McMaster to attend meetings with stakeholders responsible for administering IQAP, including: the President, Provost, Deans, Office of Institutional Research and Analysis, University Library, School of Graduate Studies and the MacPherson Institute. During this time auditors also met with representatives from nine randomly selected McMaster programs and examined their experiences with IQAP.
McMaster University was recognized for several best practices, including:
- Centralizing the IQAP program within the MacPherson Institute;
- Providing an 18-month period for self-study preparation;
- Formation of program-specific committees to monitor continuous improvement;
- Involvement of students in the review process through the Student Partners Program
The auditor’s report generated by Quality Council also provided recommendations and suggestions for universities to ensure ongoing compliance with the provincial Quality Assurance Framework. These recommendations and suggestions as well as McMaster’s responses to them are provided in the Audit Summary Report – One-Year Response.
Expandable List
The Institutional Research Analysis office provides data sets to assist in the completion of the program self-study in the cyclical review process. Contact for more details on how they can assist with your IQAP cyclical review.
Data relevant to the self-study document can be found in the BI Portal and the IQAP Portal hosted by the IRA.
IQAP: Cyclical Program Review
All existing academic programs are to be reviewed within an eight-year cycle. The list of programs that require review, and the schedule of such reviews, is maintained by the Vice-Provost, Teaching & Learning in consultation with the Vice-Provost & Dean of Grad Studies. Departments that wish to review undergraduate and graduate programs jointly should contact to discuss the possibility of revising the current schedule.
McMaster’s IQAP is designed to facilitate the development and continued improvement of our undergraduate and graduate academic programs, and to ensure that McMaster continues to lead internationally in its reputation for innovation in teaching and learning.
- IQAP Cyclical Review Schedule (Abridged)
- Cyclical Program Review Process – Flowchart
- 2025-2026 Cyclical Review Timeline
- 2025-2026 Cyclical Review Lunchtime Information and Practice Session Schedule
- 2024-2025 Cyclical Review Timeline
- 2024-2025 Cyclical Review Lunchtime Information and Practice Session Schedule
The Self Study Document |
In collaboration with relevant groups and/or individuals, the Chair will initiate the creation of a self-study document that is broad-based, reflective, forward-looking and inclusive of critical analysis. The self-study is an opportunity to review collections of courses and learning opportunities holistically with a focus towards the overall program learning experiences of the students as well as to demonstrate the uniqueness of each of McMaster’s programs. |
The Site Visit |
The Vice-Provost, Teaching & Learning or the Vice-Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies, in consultation with the Dean, will select a team of reviewers to evaluate the program from a list of 6 suggested individuals compiled by the Program/Department under review. The review team shall normally consist of two external reviewers and one internal reviewer. |
Reporting |
The review team will prepare and submit a report that addresses the substance of both the self-study and the evaluation criteria. The Chair shall be responsible, in collaboration with relevant groups and/or individuals, for preparing the Program’s response to the review team’s report. The Dean then prepares a response and helps to prioritize and resource the recommendations that will be implemented. A final assessment report, that takes into consideration the self-study, the review team report, the Chair’s response, and the Dean’s implementation plan, is compiled by the Quality Assurance Committee and submitted to Undergraduate Council/Graduate Council, the University Planning Committee, Quality Council, and posted on McMaster’s website. You can find the repository of Final Assessment Reports by clicking on the tab at the top of this page. |
The Progress Report |
Normally after 18 months, the Chair and Dean will meet to discuss progress regarding the program’s Implementation Plan. A Progress Report is prepared and submitted to the Quality Assurance Committee. |
IQAP: Program Proposals
McMaster’s IQAP is designed to facilitate the development and continued improvement of our undergraduate and graduate academic programs, and to ensure that McMaster continues to lead internationally in its reputation for innovation in teaching and learning.
New program proposals must go through full review for approval. The procedure of the approval process is outlined in the flowchart below.
General Documents of New Program Proposals
- New Program Proposal Guidebook
- New Program Proposal Template
- New Program Approvals Process Flowchart
- Statement of Intent
- Financial and resource implication documentation*
*For information and templates on budgeting and resourcing in New Program Proposals or Expedited Program Proposals, please contact the Associate Vice-President, Finance and Planning (Academic).
Each year, the Ministry establishes a review cycle with specific submission deadlines. Submissions received after the deadline will be automatically placed into the next submission cycle. Programs not approved by February 1 will not be eligible for funding and OSAP for that fiscal year, and all enrolled students must be reported as ineligible for funding in that fiscal year.
Expedited Program Approval
Programs may request an expedited approval if they meet one of the following criteria:
- an institution requests endorsement of the Quality Council to declare a new Field in a graduate program. (Note that institutions are not required to declare fields in either master’s or doctoral programs.); or
- there is a proposal for a new Collaborative Program; or
- there are proposals for new for-credit graduate diplomas; or
- an institution requests it, there are Major Modifications to Existing Programs, as already
defined through the IQAP, proposed for degree program or program of specialization.
Expedited approvals do not require external reviewer approval and have faster turn-around on decisions by the Quality Council.
Documents for Expedited Review
Expandable List
Revisions to an existing program will be classified as either a minor or a major modification to the program. In both cases, the program will continue to be subject to a cyclical program review.
For undergraduate programs, a major modification will be one in which more than 30% of the program requirements are being changed from one academic year to the next. For graduate programs, a major modification will be one in which more than 50% of the program requirements (including requirements such as courses, major exams, and research) are being changed from one year to the next.
Departments must have their curriculum changes approved according to their own departmental curriculum terms of reference, by their faculty (according to their committee terms of reference), and by Undergraduate Council or Graduate Council. The office of the Vice-Provost, Teaching & Learning in consultation with the Vice-Provost & Dean of Grad Studies submits an annual report of all the curriculum changes at McMaster to the Quality Council.
For examples of major modifications visit the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance major modifications example page.
If your graduate program is adding either a collaborative stream or a dual degree pathway, see this Major Modification Proposal document for more information.
IQAP: Supports and Resources
To assist with your program’s IQAP, the MacPherson Institute offers various services including:
Facilitated group discussions |
These discussions are used to elicit program-specific student feedback which can be incorporated in your IQAP. |
Student feedback surveys |
Surveys are sent out to current students and graduates of the programs to elicit feedback which can be incorporated into a program’s self-study to assist in the cyclical review process. |
Individual consultations |
A MacPherson Institute consultant will meet with your program representative(s) to assist with the IQAP. For example, MacPherson Institute consultants can assist with the articulation of Program Learning Outcomes curriculum mapping, connecting with programs to educational technologies and commenting on drafts of self-studies and new program or modifications proposals. |
IQAP workshops |
Workshops are offered annually to faculty and staff from programs that are undergoing their cyclical reviews. These workshops will provide participants with an opportunity to learn more about the review process, receive information about potential resources and ask questions. |
Departmental retreats and meeting facilitation |
Consultants are available to facilitate departmental retreats or meetings as needed. For more information or to request a consult, contact |
EDIA Toolkits
We’ve developed two new Reflection and Action Toolkits designed to support EDIA integration into Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) and Course-Level Learning Outcomes (CLOs). These toolkits provide structured reflection prompts, practical strategies, and guiding questions to help faculty incorporate EDIA principles into curriculum design, assessment practices, and program/course learning outcomes.
PLO Toolkit Learn More
This guide helps programs critically examine and revise learning outcomes to better reflect EDIA principles, ensuring alignment with institutional priorities and disciplinary needs. It supports curriculum mapping, inclusive assessment design, and program-level discussions.
CLO Toolkit Learn More
This guide helps instructors with developing and revising course-level learning outcomes that integrate EDIA values. It includes strategies for inclusive course design, assessment, and pedagogical approaches.
Repository of Final Assessment Reports
Arts & Science Program
DeGroote School of Business
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Social Science
Interdisciplinary Programs
IQAP Office
Kim DejVice-Provost, Teaching & Learning |
Melec ZeadinAssociate Director, Program and Educational Development |
Steve HranilovicVice-Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies |
Amy GullageCurriculum Development Lead |
Lori GoffDirector, MacPherson Institute |
Greg Van GastelEducational Developer |
Stephanie BaschieraAssociate Registrar & Graduate Secretary |
Mandira RahaProgram Coordinator, Quality Assurance and Curriculum Development |
Christina BryceAssistant Graduate Secretary |